About me

I’m Stef and I love travelling and eating. Most people do but I guess mine has become somewhat of an addiction.

I have always been lucky to be able to travel since I remember having memory of it…but the turning point for me was on November 2013, when with my travel buddy Roger we left for a 6 months journey to South East Asia. Leaving job and house, packing a backpack and just going. It was an overwhelming feeling and I’ve missed that feeling almost everyday since I have been back.

Since then, we have been touring a few areas in the world looking to relocate and start our business. Still ongoing… 🙂

I’ve got itchy feet and this blog comes from the necessity of sharing some of my best travel destinations (or cities where I have lived) with people that have either lived or traveled there or are about to do it.

During all my trips, I had the best travel mates ever and this blog is to remind me of those memories as well.

I truly hope that you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am a novice so any comments, suggestions or tips will be gratefully welcomed!


“Live, travel, bless, and don’t be sorry.” Jack Kerouac